Sunday 10 April 2011

Controlling emotions with hypnotherapy

Controlling emotions with hypnotherapy., thoughts of the ungodly will result in uncontrolled emotions that can hurt others and also yourself. A yan g hotheaded would scold others if it will not obey anyone else, its effects on people will hurt her and she will be exiled to others. His solution is to calm his mind for a moment if you want to be angry, set respiratory and love the suggestion that I should not be angry.

Saturday 9 April 2011

stop smoking with hipnotherapy

Stop smoking with hypnotherapy
With hypnotherapy can eliminate bad habits like smoking., smoking can harm health. Medically smoking is very disturbing both physical and spiritual health. For example, a smoker with smoking habits will lead to addiction by smoking, which resulted in harm your pocket. People around you will suffer also because cigarette smoke can cause lung damage. So now stop smoking
Smoking can harm your health and make the bag dry.

author: herry al evening

Friday 8 April 2011

sleep therapy

Hipnotherapy is a therapy by giving suggestions to the patient with the aim of Benefits for the patient to get a positive. So it is a suggestion core can provide a positive Benefits if given with a positive suggestion. A patient can recover from illness or complaint if the patient was not in love with hipnotherapy therapy. And patients will not be cured if the patient is doubtful that he could recover. Motivation is important in healing a sick hit. Motivation can make a person strong, intense, passion, beyond prediction. So hipnotherapy done by giving a motivation to the sick, in this case is suyet. His motivation in the form of suggestion. Besides motivation therapy can be done by explaining the negative impact of bad habits that had been done. In general therapy can be done anywhere, can be done by any media. Because hipnotherapy is a healing technique with strategy talk, so that could affect the people we love suggestions.Hipnotherapy can cure disease or bad habits like the following:1. Sleep problems2. Smoker3. Uncontrolled Emotions4. Fear5. And mental disorders caused byTo note the provision of therapy in the sleep problem is his physical problems, whether its physically there is no disruption in medical ...For certain cases, the completion of one of the factors above sleep problems (physical or psychological), to be supporters of other factors. For example, a person's psychological problems are resolved, he will sleep more soundly if he's eating healthy foods. And vice versa.The main goal is to make the perpetrator settlement hipnotherapy able to control themselves on the mental problems they experienced.Although there is still controversy over the function of sleep, but sleep in general purpose is to fulfill the biological need to rest my body and provides an opportunity for the body to perform regeneration or recovery of the damaged cells. So that the body be refreshed upon awakening. Because there is a correlation between the psychological condition of a person with physical bodily functions, then the state of anxiety, fear, stress, etc. can interfere with the regeneration and repair cells at the top. As a result, the body can become more tired when awake. Once again, the liveliness of mind can affect sleep quality indirectly.

ARthur : Herry al isya



Hi, my name is herry al isa., I want to share knowledge and sharing to all friends - friends in the whole world.
I'm now pursue the science of hypnotherapy. Because science is the science of a good hypnotherapy developed., Because it is proven and has happened to me. Before I was an easily discouraged, a smoker, a simple emotion, the wrong diet. Thanks I studied hypnotherapy, I could love my own self therapy. So until now I've been eliminating those bad habits. I want to share with friends - friends to become a healthy person to start a healthy life from now.
The ultimate in therapy with hypnosis is to give motivation to us so that we can change things - bad things into things - a good thing. A good suggestion to give us sigmifikan changes that provide a perfect Benefits. Now people - simple people complain about his life, easily discouraged, easy emotion. So many things happen - things that impact negatively on society. For example sit idle because it is in need is not fulfilled or are not as expected, took a shortcut in making money such as gambling, robbery, theft, fraud., Person easy to despair in his life will be impacted negatively as suicide. This - this is what we must avoid to give life a prosperous, healthy and prosperous.
A perfectionist is constantly reaching for a goal that is always just a little beyond reach. That’s certainly setting oneself up for frustration and disappointment, and maybe unnecessary anxiety.
In her book, The Happiness Makeover, M. J. Ryan cites that “research has shown that perfectionists are less healthy, less happy, have less satisfying relationships, and even earn less than others.”
There are many “downsides” when a person seeks perfection as a goal. A perfectionist may avoid taking risks for fear that the outcome will not be perfect. This is a very limiting outlook and one looses the opportunity for learning from their mistakes and becomes “stuck”. It has often been said “no risk, no success.”
A person seeking the perfect relationship sabotages themselves from the beginning, as we know there is no “perfect relationship.”
Adopting the goal of excellence helps “take the edge off,” enabling a person to become more tolerant, understanding, and more solution oriented. The actor Michael J. Fox is quoted: “I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for; perfection is God’s business.”
Replacing the goal of perfection with the goal of excellence enables a person to actually enjoy their work or activity more because they let go of the pressure of having to do the task or activity perfectly. The less pressure a person feels, the better they function, and the better they can concentrate.
Worrying about how events will go is yet another pitfall of the perfectionist. The goal of excellence enables a person to worry less and thus experience less of the anxiety or stress that worrying creates.

Let us cultivate in ourselves to be more concerned with both physical and spiritual health ..
Authors: Herry Al Isha
Pontiac 7 April 2011